2012-2013 Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions/Financial Aid


(Click here to view the Admissions website)

Young Harris College is an academically selective institution providing rigorous instruction in a small campus setting with an emphasis on Christian values. This unique combination nurtures the values of responsibility and faith as well as intellectual strength. Serious students will grow, be challenged and pursue their full academic potential. The campus atmosphere is conducive to examining new ideas, understanding and appreciating the perspectives of others, and strengthening commitment to Christian faith. Students are also assisted in the development of leadership skills through involvement in campus organizations. Young Harris College invites applications from all persons, without regard to race, creed, sex, handicap, or national origin. Acceptance to the College is based on high school records, SAT or ACT scores, and the applicant’s willingness to take the responsibility for meeting the College’s academic standards and for making a positive contribution to the overall quality of campus life. Admission to a degree program requires evidence of high school graduation or proof of the successful completion of a GED program. Students seeking acceptance under the Early Admissions Plan, Joint Enrollment, Accel Program, or as a transfer student are not required to provide evidence of high school graduation or completion of a successful GED program (see the sections which describe these programs). The Admissions Office is responsible for the administration of the admissions policy. Persons who have any questions about admission may call the office at 706.379.3111 or 800.241.3754. The best time to apply for admission to Young Harris College is upon completion of the junior year. High school seniors should apply before January 1, but applications received after this date will be considered.

Admissions Procedures

Acceptance to the College is based on high school grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Currently, we consider only the math and critical reading portions of the SAT for admission. See Student Profile for incoming freshmen averages and SAT scores.

Upon receipt of the application, high school transcripts, and standarized test scores, the Admissions Office will review the student’s file. A new grade point average will be calculated, using only completed academic coursework, English, Math, Science, Social/Behavioral Science, Foreign Language, and Religion. An index will be calculated using the academic GPA and test scores, giving equal weight to both. This index will be used in determining admission and academic scholarship eligibility.

Early Admissions Plan

Highly qualified, mature high school students who have completed three years of college preparatory work with a minimum 3.5 grade point average in academic subjects may apply for early admission. For early admission, candidates must have a score of at least 1000 on the critical reading and math sections of the SAT or equivalent English and math scores on the ACT and must have unqualified recommendations from high school officials.

Home-Schooled Students

Admission decisions are based on a student’s academic grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Along with the application for admission, students should send a transcript of high school work and official SAT or ACT scores. If the home school program has been conducted through a formal program, the transcript should be official and from the home school program. If the parents have designed the curriculum, the transcript should detail subjects studied, textbooks used, and an evaluation of the student’s performance. If a student has taken the GED, these scores should also be submitted. In some cases, the GED may be required to complete the admissions process.

International Applicants

Applicants who have completed coursework, high school/secondary school or university-level, in the United States will need to request an official copy of all transcripts to be sent directly from your school in a sealed envelope to the Office of Admissions.

Applicants who have completed coursework, high school/secondary school or university-level, outside of the United States will need to have a course-by-course evaluation of transcripts completed and forwarded to Young Harris College by a service, which may include one of the following:


Josef  Silny & Associates

7101 SW 102 Avenue
Miami, FL  33173
(305) 273-1616

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.

P.O. Box 5140708
Milwaukee, WI  53203
(414) 289-3400

Applicants who are transferring from another college/university in the United States must also complete the Transfer Form.

Applicants for whom English is not a primary language must submit proof of English proficiency as evidenced in one of the following ways: a score of 550 on the paper version or a score of 79 on the Internet version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), a score of 450 on the critical reading component of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), or successful completion of level 109 at an ELS Language Center. Results of the above must be sent directly to the Admissions Office by the testing agency.

Upon acceptance, payment of the required deposit, and certification of financial ability, an I-20 form will be issued to the student. A housing deposit, tuition deposit, and START Orientation fee of $300 is required to reserve your place at Young Harris College. See the “Expenses” section of this catalog for fee payment schedule. International students are eligible for merit-based scholarships (academic, athletic, or fine arts) at Young Harris College.

ACCEL/Joint Enrollment

The Accel program is targeted to outstanding high school students in the state of Georgia. With approval from their high school, juniors and seniors may satisfy high school course requirements by enrolling in courses at Young Harris College. Additional ACCEL program information can be found on the GACollege411 website: www.gacollege411.org. Students from outside the state of Georgia interested in taking classes at YHC while still in high school should contact the admissions office at 800-241-3754 regarding requirements and procedures for joint enrollment.


Students who have previously attended Young Harris College and wish to re-enter should complete the Application for Readmission. Official transcripts of any coursework completed since leaving YHC must also be submitted to the Office of Admissions. In addition, students seeking re-admission who enrolled in another college or university after leaving YHC must compelte the Student Transfer Form and the Supplemental Transfer Application.

Transfer Students

Students who wish to transfer to Young Harris College from other colleges or universities must complete an application for admission, Student Transfer Form, Supplemental Transfer Application, and submit official transcript(s) from the institution(s) previously attended. If a student has not completed 30 hours of college credit, a high school transcript and SAT/ACT scores are also required. Young Harris College usually informs students of the amount of transfer credit accepted by the College prior to enrollment or no later than the end of their first academic term. Students on academic probation at the institution last attended, if admitted, will be admitted to Young Harris College on probation. In order to graduate from Young Harris College, transfer students must meet all graduation requirements that were in place at the time of their admission to the College.

Transfer Credit and Credit by Examination

Young Harris College will use the following guidelines to evaluate courses presented for transfer:

  1. When considering potential transfer of credit from other colleges and universities, only credits from institutions accredited by regional accrediting agencies will be eligible for transfer. No credit will be awarded until an official transcript has been received.
  2. Only courses similar in content to those offered at Young Harris College will be considered for equivalent credit. Only such courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be eligible for transfer.
  3. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree will be allowed a maximum of 90 hours of transfer credit, no more than 30 of which may be earned through AP examination, CLEP, International Baccalaureate, and online courses from accredited colleges and universities.
  4. Apart from the 30 credit-hour ceiling mentioned above, there is no limit on the amount of transfer credit a student may earn through AP examination. Students may receive transfer credit only for AP examinations completed prior to matriculation. Scores of four (4) or higher on the AP examination will be considered for credit.
  5. Apart from the 30 credit-hour ceiling mentioned above, there is no limit on the amount of transfer credit a student may receive through CLEP examination. Students may receive transfer credit only for CLEP examinations completed prior to matriculation. Scores of fifty (50) or higher on the CLEP examination will be considered for credit.
  6. Apart from the 30 credit-hour ceiling mentioned above, there is no limit on the amount of transfer credit a student may receive through International Baccalaureate examination. Students may receive transfer credit only for International Baccalaureate examinations completed prior to matriculation. Scores of five (5) or higher on the International Baccalaureate examination will be considered for credit.
  7. Apart from the 30 credit-hour ceiling mentioned above, there is no limit on the amount of transfer credit a student may receive through online courses from accredited colleges and universities. Students may receive transfer credit through online courses either before or after matriculation. Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in online courses for those courses to be considered for credit.
  8. The determination of whether to award transfer credit for specific examinations and courses, as well as how much credit to award, will be made by the Registrar in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs and the appropriate academic division and/or department.

Transient Students

Young Harris College will accept transient students from other institutions. The parent institution must send a letter of transient permission to the Office of Admissions to initiate the process.

Academic Credentials Policy

If a student knowingly makes a false statement or conceals material information on the application for admission, registration card, or any other college document, the registration may be canceled. If such falsification is discovered after the student has established an academic record at Young Harris College, the student may be subject to dismissal from the College. Such a student will be ineligible (except by special action of the College) for subsequent registration at Young Harris College.

Admissions Requirements for the Baccalaureate Programs

General Requirements for Declaring a Major

By the time a student completes 48 credit hours, he or she must complete a “Major/Minor Change” form and submit it to the Registrar. The form may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office, the Advising Center, or on YHC Connect. The major will not be formally declared until the form is processed by the Registrar’s Office.

Special Requirements for Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Music, and Theatre, and Bachelor of Music Education

Music and Theatre programs require students to apply for admission to the major as freshmen. Students must submit a written application, complete an interview, complete an audition, and take a music theory/aural skills diagnostic test in order to qualify for acceptance into the major.

Financial Aid

(Click here to view the Financial Aid website)

Young Harris College is committed to helping students secure the necessary resources to meet the cost of an excellent education. Financial aid at the College may take the form of scholarships, grants, loans and/or work-study positions.

A Young Harris College Financial Aid Application and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed and filed by each student seeking need-based financial aid. Young Harris College then develops an award based upon a combination of factors, including the student’s demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA, high school GPA, and SAT scores.

The Financial Aid Office may be contacted for information concerning all application procedures. Financial aid commitments will be made after a student has been accepted for admission.

Young Harris College does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, disabled status, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era in administering its financial aid programs.

In order to renew financial aid, including the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant and the H.O.P.E. Scholarship, students must be making satisfactory academic progress in their course of study in accordance with the institutional policy and the policies established by the Georgia Student Finance Commission.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (To Receive Financial Aid)

Federal and State regulations require schools to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for recipients of financial aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) means proceeding toward a timely, successful completion of degree requirements. Standards are set on qualitative progress (grade-based) and quantitative progress (pace and time frame). 

Students receiving funds from any federal, state or institutional aid program, including Federal Grants (Pell, FSEOG), Federal Stafford Loans, Federal PLUS (parent) Loans, Federal Work-Study, state scholarships/grants (HOPE, GTEG, et al), and Young Harris scholarships/grants/work-study/loans must demonstrate  and maintain satisfactory academic progress as outlined below. The Office of Financial Aid will measure Satisfactory Academic Progress on all students who receive financial aid at the end of each semester. Some financial aid programs including HOPE, YHC Academic/talent Scholarship and some federal grant programs may require more than the minimum SAP requirements set forth in this policy. (Consult the Financial Aid Office with any questions.) 

Qualitative Progress – The Office of Financial Aid determines Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) by evaluating the cumulative grade point average (GPA) on a four-point scale based upon local (Young Harris College) credit hours attempted. The following grades are used in computing a cumulative GPA: A, B, C, D, and F. The Registrar’s Office provides the Office of Financial Aid with the Local Credit Hours Attempted,  Local Hours Completed, and Local Cumulative GPA. The Financial Aid Office will review all students receiving financial aid at the end of each semester. The following chart indicates the required GPA within each credit hours attempted category. Transfer grades are not counted when determining qualitative progress.   Part-time students will have their eligibility measured on an equivalency basis.  


Credit Hours Earned Cumulative GPA Required
0 – 29 1.80
30 – 59 1.90
60 and above 2.00


Quantitative Progress – Students receiving financial aid must demonstrate measurable progress toward the completion of their degree program. Young Harris College requires students receiving financial aid to maintain an overall (cumulative) completion rate of 67% of credit hours attempted.  Credit hours attempted will be defined by the Office of the Registrar. (See YHC Catalog Academic Information) Only grades of A, B, C, and D are considered as successful completion of a course. At the end of each semester, the quantitative progress of each student receiving financial aid will be reviewed.  Transfer credits, including courses taken as a transient student, do not count in the calculation of YHC GPA, but are included in the attempted hours, earned hours, and maximum time frame standards.    Note: If a student is placed on Financial Aid Warning, Probation or Suspension because of Incomplete Grades, it is up to the student to notify the Financial Aid Office upon successfully completing the course(s). If a student withdraws from any course after the drop/add period, the hours dropped will be counted as attempted hours when determining quantitative progress.   Repeated courses, for which a passing grade was previously awarded, are included in attempted hours and grade point average calculation but not earned hours.    A student’s quantitative progress is determined by dividing credit hours earned by the total hours attempted.   Part-time students will have their eligibility measured on an equivalency basis.

Maximum Time Frame -The maximum time for completion of degree requirements for students receiving aid is one and one-half times the length of the degree program (150% of length of the educational program as published by the YHC Academic Policy found in the YHC Catalog). Frequent withdrawals from courses or school, change of major, failed courses, repeated courses or courses taken that are not related to the degree program could jeopardize financial aid. If a student withdraws from school and re-enrolls at a later date, those withdrawn courses will count towards time spent on the degree program. A student pursuing a double major at the same time must adhere to the 150% time frame. A transfer student’s time frame will be based on the sum of the attempted hours at YHC plus the transfer credit hours accepted toward the student’s degree program.   

SAP Review Process – The cumulative YHC academic history of all financial aid recipients is reviewed at the end of each semester to determine if the student is meeting the quantitative, qualitative and time frame standards. This includes all courses attempted or transfer accepted credits regardless of whether financial aid was received or not.  Students who fail to meet all of the criteria outlined above will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the next semester which the student is enrolled. Students placed on Financial Ad Warning are eligible to receive financial aid for ONE ADDITIONAL SEMESTER, or payment period, as long as the aid in question is not subject to a higher GPA requirement.  If the student does not meet satisfactory academic progress at the end of their additional semester, or payment  period,  the student will lose financial aid eligibility and future aid will be suspended beginning with the next semester or payment period in which the student is enrolled. The student will remain on Financial Aid Suspension without aid eligibility until SAP standards are met.   While students should be aware of this policy and their financial aid standing, every effort will be made to inform students by a letter sent to the last known address of any student placed on Financial Aid Warning or Suspension. The letter will contain a copy of the YHC Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and the Appeal Process. If students feel that they have circumstances that warrant an appeal, they may request an appeal of Financial Aid Suspension. See the appeal process below. 

Reinstatement – Once eligibility has been reestablished by meeting the SAP standards, the student should contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Appeal Process – The student may appeal a loss of financial aid by writing to the Director of   Financial Aid for the Financial Aid Appeals Committee to consider extreme and unusual circumstances. Each appeal will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee in a timely manner. The Committee may request documentation of mitigating circumstances as indicated by the student appeal. The student will be notified of the Committee’s decision in writing. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final. If the Appeals Committee rules in favor of the appeal the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. A student placed on financial aid probation is eligible for financial aid and has one semester to comply with the satisfactory academic progress standards and the requirements outlined by the Appeals Committee. 

NOTE: Full-time students receiving financial aid must enroll for at least 12 hours per semester. 

Part-time students will have their eligibility measured on an equivalency basis

Types of Financial Aid

The College offers four types of financial aid. Scholarships and grants are considered gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Loans and work-study are considered self-help aid and require a commitment from the student. These types of financial aid are divided into two principal categories: merit-based assistance and need-based assistance.

Merit-Based Assistance

Awarded in recognition of special skills, talent, and/or academic ability, merit-based assistance includes academic, fine arts and athletic scholarships.

Academic Scholarships are awarded to full-time entering freshmen who are academically qualified based upon their high school GPA and SAT or ACT scores. Students are considered for these scholarships upon completion of the Application for Admission and Academic Scholarships and submission of their official high school transcript and test scores. These scholarships are awarded for up to four years provided the student meets all renewal criteria.

Honors Program Scholarships are awarded to academically qualified students who are accepted into the Honors Program.  Acceptance into the program is based on SAT or ACT scores, high school GPA, teacher recommendations, and a personal essay. Those chosen for the Honors Program will receive an additional academic scholarship and a textbook allowance. Competition will include a personal essay and submission of two letters of recommendation. Students considered for the top awards will also participate in an on-campus interview.

Transfer Scholarships are awarded to students transferring with 30 or more hours of college-level coursework. Amounts are determined based on the student’s college GPA. Students who have completed fewer than 30 hours of college-level coursework will be considered for freshman scholarships.

Art Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in art and demonstrating outstanding ability in art. Competition includes an on-campus interview and a survey of the applicant’s portfolio.

Theatre Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in theatre and demonstrating outstanding ability in the area of theatre. Competition includes an on-campus interview and an audition.

Music Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in music and demonstrating outstanding ability in the area of music. Band and choral scholarships are also available to students who are not music majors. Competition includes an on-campus interview and an audition.

Musical Theatre Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in musical theatre. Competition includes written recommendations, an on-campus interview and an audition.

Athletic Scholarships are awarded in men’s baseball, cross country, golf, tennis, basketball and soccer and women’s cross country, softball, golf, soccer, tennis and basketball.  The coaches will interview and evaluate athletic skills of applicants. Interested students should contact the appropriate coach for additional information.

Goizueta Foundation Scholarships are awarded to students who are of Hispanic or Latino descent. The selection will be based on high school grades, SAT/ACT scores, and financial need. 

Need-Based Assistance

Need-based assistance, including grants, work-study and loans, is funded from federal, state, and institutional sources. A student’s eligibility to receive need-based assistance is determined by information submitted each year on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If a student has demonstrated need (the difference between the estimated cost of attendance and the expected family contribution), the Financial Aid Office will offer a financial aid package based on: (1) demonstrated need and (2) ability of the student (high school GPA and SAT scores). For renewal of aid, a continuing student must be making satisfactory progress and must have demonstrated need.

Federal Pell Grant: Eligibility for this grant is based on federal methodology. Awards range from $600 to $5,350 for the 2009.2010 academic year. Award amounts will be reduced for less than full-time attendance.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): Eligibility for this grant is based on federal methodology and priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients demonstrating the most financial need.

Appleby Grant: This grant was established in 1964 by Mr. Scott B. Appleby for local full-time students who demonstrate need and maintain satisfactory progress.

Young Harris College Grant: This grant is awarded to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and maintain satisfactory progress.

United Methodist Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded on the basis of active interest and participation in The United Methodist Church, character, scholarship, promise of useful service, and financial need. Recipients of these scholarships receive $1,000 to $1,500 per year. Students must have a grade average of “B” or better during the year prior to the award and must maintain their high scholastic standing in order to retain the scholarships. These scholarships are awarded for one year only. Visit the Methodist web sites for further information concerning scholarship opportunities ( gbhem.org or umhef.org.).

O. Wayne Rollins Scholarship Fund: Each year, the O. Wayne Rollins Foundation provides a number of scholarships for deserving students. The College’s scholarship committee submits recommendations to the Rollins Foundation for final selection of the recipients of these scholarships. These scholarships are renewable if the conditions for renewal are met.

Other Sources of Assistance

Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant: Qualified students who are legal residents of Georgia are entitled to receive the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant. Go to www.GACollege411.org to complete the on-line application.

H.O.P.E. Scholarship: The HOPE scholarship is available to all eligible full-time and part-time students who are Georgia Residents.  The amount is determined each year by the Georgia Student Finance Commission.  Go to www.GACollege411.org to complete the on-line application.

Work-Study: In nearly all areas of campus, work-study is awarded to students from federal and available institutional funds. Students usually work no more than nine hours per week. There are five pay periods per semester. Most work-study assignments are need-based. The College’s Financial Aid Application must be filed for all positions. Students must also file the FAFSA to be eligible for need-based Federal Work-Study.


Loans are sources of funding that allow students to spread the cost of education over time. Loans must be repaid even if students do not complete their education.

Need-Based Loans

Need-based loans for students include the Young Harris College Loan and the Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be filed to apply for these loans.

Young Harris College Loan: Loans are made from this fund to students who have demonstrated financial need and maintain satisfactory academic progress. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan: Low-interest loans are made by the federal government, banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and other commercial lenders who participate in the program. Recipients must demonstrate financial need as determined by information provided on the FAFSA. No interest is paid on this loan as long as the student is enrolled at least half-time. Freshmen may borrow up to $3500 per academic year; sophomores may borrow up to $4,500 per academic year; upperclassmen may borrow up to $5,500 per academic year. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

Non-Need-Based Loans

Non-need-based loans include the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan for students, the United Methodist Student Loan, and the Federal PLUS Loan for parents.

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan: Recipients must be enrolled at least half-time and must file the FAFSA, even though the loan is not based on need. The interest on this loan accumulates while the student is enrolled. Freshmen may borrow up to $3500 per academic year; sophomores may borrow up to $4,500 per academic year; upperclassmen up to $5,500 per academic year. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office. Federal loan regulations now allow a student to borrow an additional $2000 UNSUBSIDIZED loan each year.  Further details are available from the Financial Aid Office.

United Methodist Student Loan: This fund, established by The United Methodist Church, offers loans to United Methodist students. The applicant must be enrolled full-time and maintain at least a “C” average. Students may borrow a maximum of $5,000 per academic year. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or by contacting the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Federal PLUS Loan: Loans are made to credit-worthy parents of eligible dependent students. PLUS Loans are not based on need. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office. Borrowers must begin repaying principal and interest within 60 days after the final loan disbursement of their annual period of enrollment. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.