2012-2013 Catalog 
    Jul 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support Services


Academic Advising at Young Harris College

(Click here to view the Academic Advising website)


Young Harris College provides students a quality academic advising experience utilizing a blended model of professional and faculty advising.  Academic advising is a joint relationship between advisor and advisee that focuses on the development of student responsibility and decision-making in the clarification and realization of major, career, and life goals.  Students are assigned to an academic advisor during each term of their enrollment at YHC. Students are required to meet with their academic advisor before each registration period.

The Academic Advising Center seeks to educate, inspire and empower students in identifying and achieving their academic and career goals.   The Center staff includes professional advisors, a career services coordinator, and an advising assistant. 

The Center assists students in:

  • Defining and developing realistic educational goals
  • Identifying academic plans consistent with career and life pursuits
  • Planning course schedules and charting degree completion
  • Changing and declaring majors and minors
  • Understanding College policies and procedures and utilizing helpful campus resources
  • Identifying internships, job shadowing, and job opportunities
  • Preparing for transfer, graduate studies, and job searches


Academic Success Center

The mission of the Young Harris College Academic Success Center is to support the academic mission of the College by assisting students in their quest for the skills necessary to achieve their academic goals and make progress toward graduation.

The Academic Success Center, located in the Hesed House, provides extensive tutoring, study skills seminars, personal academic counseling, and quiet study space for students who are experiencing academic, motivation, or time management difficulties. The Office of Disability Services operates as part of the Academic Success Center. Students requiring academic accommodations should contact the Center at the beginning of each semester. Open from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. Monday-Friday as a study space, The Academic Success Center is staffed from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for student appointments.

The Academic Success Center will work with students who need special academic assistance as they transition from high school to college through its tutoring and special programs as well as through intensive English composition classes and assistance for students who speak English as a second language.

Students who are placed on academic probation as a result of the previous semester’s grades will be notified that they are required to create and fulfill an Academic Success Contract in order to be enrolled at the College. In addition, students who receive at least two notices of midterm deficient performance will be required to enter into an Academic Success Contract. The College Retention Officer, as well as faculty and staff, may recommend additional students to create personalized Academic Success Contracts. These contracts require a commitment from students to create and fulfill the terms of an academic success action plan: to attend academic counseling sessions; to participate in study skills, time management, or motivational seminars; to utilize campus support services; and to monitor and assess their own progress in consultation with the Student Success Center.

The Academic Success Center will work closely with the College’s Academic Advisors to recommend classes for its students which will promote the students’ academic goals in accordance with their individual learning styles and abilities.

Duckworth Library

The Duckworth Library was named for J. Lon Duckworth ‘20, an alumnus and trustee of the College and Henry Duckworth ‘17, a benefactor. Completed in 1969, the facility includes a wireless network, a 24-hour study room, and a variety of seating options including study carrels and group study areas. The library complex also houses the Campus Technology Center. The Duckworth Library contains a diverse collection of materials to support teaching and learning. The main collection contains more than 53,000 volumes, including audio-recordings, DVDs, and bound periodicals. In addition, the Library subscribes to over 51,000 electronic books and more than 130 active periodicals. The Byron Herbert Reece collection, the Merle B. Mann collection of Indian artifacts, Vietnam Veterans Oral History project, and the Ogletree Lincolniana collection are housed in the library. Most of the library’s holdings are accessible through the library’s online catalog, available through the library’s homepage. Thanks to advances in technology, the library’s services and resources extend far beyond the walls of Duckworth Library. The library provides students and faculty with access to an excellent collection of databases and electronic texts and journals, many provided by GALILEO, (Georgia Library Learning Online) that can be searched from anywhere, on campus or off. Through an international network of libraries, library staff can also obtain materials that are not available locally. Reference librarians are available to assist users with services and collections during most of the hours the library is open. In addition, they visit classes, teach workshops, and schedule individual research consultations. Through its collections, facilities and services, the Duckworth Libraries upholds its mission to support teaching, learning, and research at Young Harris College.

Professional advisors in the Academic Advising Center oversee the advisement of most freshman and sophomore students through completion of their core (general education) requirements. Juniors and seniors are typically advised by faculty members in their declared area of study. Fine Arts students are advised by Fine Arts faculty members during all four years of their program.