2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 10, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs

SOLE Program

Members of the YHC SOLE (Student Opportunities for Leadership through Engagement) program are a select group of students who represent Young Harris College through outreach work, building relationships, and shared experiences in learning and leadership throughout our community. YHC SOLE members currently work at a mix of on and off campus community partner sites; they may work up to ten hours per week during the academic year and receive financial compensation through the College and federal work-study programs for their time and commitment. YHC SOLE members meet weekly to discuss local and global issues and determine ways to develop leadership in those areas. Through planning, discussion and reflection SOLE members create opportunities to serve their campus and local communities throughout the year. The program began at Young Harris College in 2009 as part of the national Bonner Leader program, but in 2015, the YHC SOLE program replaced Bonner in order to meet the specific needs of our region and allow us to evolve organically in the future. The program has twelve members. Applications will be accepted in the early spring for the following year as members graduate and positions open.

 Honors Program

The Honors Program works on behalf of Young Harris College’s most intellectually-curious students by providing them with rigorous professional scholarly development, exclusive classes that specialize in experiential learning, and avenues to pursue innovative research projects.

Admissions Process

Students will apply for the YHC Honors Program at the beginning of the spring semester of their freshman year. They will be admitted in time to register for Honors classes in the fall of their sophomore year. No financial aid will be attached to admission into the Program, and all applicants must already be YHC students. Other YHC students (upperclassmen) may apply for admission into the Honors Program at any point during the academic year.

Requirements for Remaining in the Honors Program

Students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA to enter the Honors Program. YHC members who fall below this minimum will not qualify for certain benefits such as funding to support research or graduate school applications, Honors cords, or designation of ‘Honors’ on the final YHC transcript. The student will recover these benefits upon improvement of GPA above 3.5.

Requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree with Honors Distinction

To earn the Honors designation on their YHC transcripts, members of the Honors Program must complete ten Honors credits (note that these are different from YHC credits required for graduation with a Bachelors degree). Six Honors credits can result from the successful completion of an Honors Thesis during the senior year. The others can be comprised of Honors Seminars (one-credit Honors classes) and Honors Contracts (Honors credit-earning projects within any classes, even outside the “HONR” class prefix), with no restrictions on how the ten may be accumulated (any combination thereof).

Honors Contracts

Honors students will be able to produce Honors Contracts worth one Honors credit in any YHC class, so long as the Contract is approved by the class instructor and the Director of the Honors Program. Honors Contracts should demonstrate a creative, learner-directed experience that is measurably broader, deeper, and/or more complex than general course requirements. Contracts should be arranged early each semester with all necessary paperwork and signatures returned to the Director of the Honors Program. Evaluation of the Contract must also be received by the Director before Honors credits are earned.

Requirements for Honors Thesis

In the senior year, students may complete an Honors Thesis under the direction of a YHC instructor. Since each academic discipline has its own modes of inquiry and means of presenting knowledge, Honors Theses will vary by discipline. Thesis students will enroll in HONR 4101 in the fall of the senior year to develop a Thesis Committee and Thesis Proposal; thesis students will enroll in HONR 4102 in the spring of the senior year to complete and publicly present their Thesis project as the crowning achievement of participation in the Honors Program. HONR 4101 & 4102 will earn students one YHC academic credit each upon successful completion; HONR 4101 & 4102 will additionally earn students three Honors credits each upon successful completion.

Honor Societies 

Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society   

Georgia Xi is the Young Harris College chapter of Alpha Chi, an academic honor society that recognizes and promotes excellence in scholarship among college and university students of good character.  Classified as a general honor society, meaning that it accepts members from all academic fields, Alpha Chi inducts no more than the top 10 per cent of juniors and seniors relative to grade point average.  Established in 1922, Alpha Chi has more than 300 chapters across the United States.  Additional information regarding Alpha Chi can be found at www.alphachihonor.org.

Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society

The Omega Tau chapter of the international communication studies honor society Lambda Pi Eta was founded at Young Harris College in 2011.The honor society aims to recognize, foster and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies, promote and encourage professional development among communication majors and stimulate interest in the field of communication. Election to membership in Lambda Pi Eta is open to undergraduates enrolled as communication studies majors or minors with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 with 60 credit hours completed and 3.25 for communication studies courses with 12 credit hours completed.

Mu Phi Epsilon Professional Music Fraternity 

The Zeta Kappa Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon was founded at Young Harris College in 2011. Mu Phi Epsilon is an International Professional Music Fraternity whose purposes are the recognition of scholarship and musicianship and the promotion of friendship. Its aims are the advancement of music throughout the world, the promotion of musicianship and scholarship, loyalty to the Alma Mater, and the development of a true bond of friendship. Election to membership in Mu Phi Epsilon is based upon scholarship, musicianship and character. Undergraduates must be enrolled as music majors or minors and have attained at least second term freshman standing, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in music subjects and 2.0 in academic subjects.

Sigma Tau Delta 

The Alpha Sigma Omicron chapter of the international English honor society Sigma Tau Delta was founded at Young Harris College in 2011. The primary objective of Sigma Tau Delta is to confer distinction upon students of the English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate and professional studies. The society also recognizes the accomplishments of professional writers who have contributed to the fields of language and literature. The organization strives to provide cultural stimulation on college campuses, serve society by fostering literacy and promote interest in literature and the English language in surrounding communities. Founded in 1924, the society has more than 800 active chapters. Election to membership in Sigma Tau Delta is open to undergraduates enrolled as English majors or minors with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, at least three semesters of coursework completed and a class rank in the highest 35 percent. The Alpha Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Tau Delta is organized in conjunction with the English Majors Organization (EMO) at Young Harris College.   


Information regarding international programs at Young Harris College is found at the Study Abroad Page of the College Website.   

Online Learning


The Learning Management System used at Young Harris College is Moodle. All syllabi are posted on Moodle and many professors post course notes, calendars, projects and tests on Moodle. To ensure a secure and consistent environment, Moodle usernames and passwords will be the same as the College network username and password.

Summer Online Courses

Young Harris College offers online courses for eight weeks during the summer, and all YHC students, other than first time freshmen, are eligible to take these course offerings. Online courses primarily use Moodle for course instruction, and each online student is required to pass a Moodle Orientation before gaining access to any online course.