2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions/Financial Aid


(Click here to view the Admissions website)


General Admissions Information

Young Harris College attracts students who demonstrate the ability and motivation to succeed in rigorous liberal arts, science and professional programs. Young Harris practices a rolling admission policy, however, students are encouraged to apply early in order to ensure adequate course offerings and housing availability. Applicants are considered for admission for fall or spring semesters. Students must be high school graduates (or have obtained a high school equivalency diploma) by the time they matriculate to Young Harris College. The application for admission is accessed at www.yhc.edu/apply.

First- Time Freshman Admissions Process

High school students are eligible to apply after completing their junior year of high school. Acceptance to Young  Harris College is based on the applicant’s high school grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. See Student Profile for the average GPA and test scores of incoming freshmen. Transcripts must be official and submitted directly from the high school. Students who submit a GED score in lieu of high school completion should submit a minimum college-ready score of 165 in each subject test section.  

Upon receipt of the application, official high school transcripts and official standardized test scores, the Office of Admissions will review the student’s file. A new grade point average will be calculated using only completed academic coursework, which includes English, Math, Science, Social/Behavioral Science, Foreign Language, and Religion. Young Harris College considers only the math and critical reading portions of the SAT for admission.

Additionally, students coming to Young Harris College with dual enrollment credit from other colleges or universities must submit official college transcripts to receive credit for courses previously completed.

Homeschooled Students

If a student is homeschooled, admission decisions are based on the student’s academic grade point average and SAT or ACT scores. Along with the application for admission, students should send a transcript of high school work and official SAT or ACT scores. If the homeschool program has been conducted through a formal program, the transcript should be submitted directly from that homeschool organization. If the parents have designed the curriculum, the transcript should detail subjects studied, textbooks used, and an evaluation of the student’s performance. If a student has taken the GED, these scores should also be submitted. In some cases, GED scores may be required in order to complete the admissions process.

Early College/Dual Enrollment

The Young Harris Early College program is targeted to outstanding high school students in the state of Georgia. With approval from their high school, juniors and seniors may satisfy high school course requirements by enrolling in courses at Young Harris College. All Early College courses offered by YHC are collegiate courses of high quality and rigor that allow students to obtain both high school and transferable college credit. 

Early College requirements are as follows:

  • Student must be a junior or senior at a public high school, private high school, or be homeschooled.
  • Minimum high school 3.0 GPA (as calculated by the College).
  • Earn a minimum combined score of 1050 (critical reading and math) on the SAT or a 21 composite ACT.
  • Students who have earned a 3.2 or higher high school GPA as calculated by the College do not need to submit test scores.  
  • If applicable, students also need to adhere to his/her high school eligibility requirements for participation.

Additional Dual Enrollment program information for the state of Georgia can be found at www.gafutures.org. Students from outside the state of Georgia interested in taking classes at YHC while still in high school should contact the Office of Admissions at 800-241-3754 regarding admissions requirements and procedures for Early College.


Students who have previously attended Young Harris College, with a gap semester or more between attendance, and wish to re-enroll should complete the Application for Readmission. If a student did not attend another institution, he or she is accepted as long as there is not a hold on the student account. If a student has attended another institution after Young Harris College, he or she must submit official transcripts of coursework to the Office of Admissions and complete the Student Transfer Form.

Transfer Students

Students seeking to transfer to Young Harris College should complete the application for admission. 

Students who have completed 30 or more credit hours of academic-level college coursework must submit official transcript(s) from all previously attended institutions, as well as a Student Transfer Form. If a student has completed less than 30 hours of college credit, he/she must also submit an official high school transcript and official SAT or ACT scores, in addition to the offical college transcript(s). 

Young Harris College will inform students of the amount of transfer credit accepted by the College prior to enrollment. Students on academic probation at the institution last attended, if admitted, will be admitted to Young Harris College on probation.

In order to graduate from Young Harris College, transfer students must meet all graduation requirements that were in place at the time of their admission to the College. Please note that admission to the college does not necessarily guarantee admission to certain degree programs that may require additional steps. 

Transient Students

Young Harris College will accept transient students from other institutions. The parent institution must send a letter of transient permission to the Office of Admissions to initiate the process. No standardized test scores are required for transient admission. 

International Students

For purposes of admission, an international student is defined as a student who is not a United States citizen or does not have permanent residency status (Green Card), or who is or will be temporarily in the U.S. in a non-immigrant status.

International Admissions Deadlines

Due to the additional processing time needed for international applicants, applications for admission and all supporting documents (i.e. transcripts, evaluations of coursework, tests, and the Financial Guarantee Statement) must be submitted by the following dates for each semester:

Fall Admission: June 15

Spring Admission: October 15

International Admission Requirements

First-time Freshman

International applicants must submit the following:

1. Complete the international application

2. Students whose native language is not English must submit proof of language proficiency by submitting results of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System.)  ​

The minimum score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is 79 (TOFEL iBT) or 550 (paper-based exam). The minimum score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is 6.5 or higher on the academic module. An SAT Critical Reading score above 450 may also be considered as the English Proficiency requirement, exempting the submittal of TOEFL or IELTS scores.Successful completion of level 109 at an ELS Language Center is also sufficient for proof of English proficiency.

3. Students whose native language is English must submit Official SAT or ACT scores. Test scores should be sent directly to Young Harris College. The College Board code for YHC is 5990. The ACT code for YHC is 0880. Generally, United States embassies and U.S. Information Services (USIS) offices have information on testing sites and dates. 

4. Official high school transcripts and/or academic records. Applicants who have completed high school in the United States will need to request an official copy of all transcripts to be sent to the Office of Admissions. Applicants who have completed coursework, high school/secondary school or university-level, outside of the United States will need to have a course-by-course evaluation of transcripts completed and forwarded to Young Harris College by a service, which may include one of the following:

Josef Silny & Associates, Inc             Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc

7101 SW 102 Avenue                         PO Box 514070

Miami, FL 33173                                Milwaukee WI 53203

(305) 273-1616                                   414-289-3400

www.jsilny.com                                  https://www.ece.org/


International Transfer Students

1. Complete the international application

2. International students who are transferring from an institution in the United States with less than 30 hours of college-level  coursework will need to provide transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, along with high school transcripts and SAT/ACT scores.

3. Applicants who are transferring from another college/university and have 30 or more hours of college-level coursework will need to submit college/university transcripts, in addition to the Student Transfer Form for all previously attended institutions for admission consideration. 

International students who are transferring from an college/university outside the United States must provide a course-by-course evaluation of transcripts completed and forwarded to Young Harris College by a service, which may include one of the following:

Josef Silny & Associates, Inc             Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc

7101 SW 102 Avenue                         PO Box 514070

Miami, FL 33173                                Milwaukee WI 53203

(305) 273-1616                                   414-289-3400

www.jsilny.com                                  https://www.ece.org/


Applicants must complete the Student Transfer Form for all previously attended institutions for admission consideration. 


4. Transfer students whose native language is not English, and who are transferring from a university outside the United States must submit proof of language proficiency by submitting results of the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System.)  ​

The minimum score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is 79 (TOFEL iBT) or 550 (paper-based exam). The minimum score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is 6.5 or higher on the academic module. An SAT Critical Reading score above 450 may also be considered as the English Proficiency requirement, exempting the submittal of TOEFL or IELTS scores.Successful completion of level 109 at an ELS Language Center is also sufficient for proof of English proficiency.


After an offer of admission has been made to an international student, he/she will then be required to complete further steps in order to receive the Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) necessary to obtain a student visa for entry into the United States.  

1. Submit a non-refundable $300 enrollment deposit.

2. The Financial Guarantee Statement (FGS) must be completed and returned to the Office of Admissions. The Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20) will be issued once the applicant has been found admissible to the College and the FGS has been approved.

3. Copy of passport with photo ID. 


Academic Credentials Policy

If a student knowingly makes a false statement or conceals material information on the application for admission, registration card, or any other college document, the registration may be canceled. If such falsification is discovered after the student has established an academic record at Young Harris College, the student may be subject to dismissal from the College. Such a student will be ineligible (except by special action of the College) for subsequent registration at Young Harris College.

Admissions Requirements for the Baccalaureate Programs

General Requirements for Declaring a Major

By the time a student completes 48 credit hours, he or she must complete a “Major/Minor Declaration” form and submit it to the Registrar. The form may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office, the Academic Success Center, or on YHC Connect. The major will not be formally declared until the form is processed by the Registrar’s Office.

Special Requirements for Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Music, and Theatre, and Bachelor of Music Education

Music and Theatre programs require students to apply for admission to the major as freshmen. Students must submit a written application, complete an interview, complete an audition, and music students will take a music theory/aural skills diagnostic test in order to qualify for acceptance into the major. 

Special Requirements for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Leadership

The Outdoor Leadership program requires students to apply for admission to the major in the spring semester. Students must have successfully completed 30 hours, including the Outdoor Leadership prerequisite coursework, in order to apply to the program. The Outdoor Leadership prerequisites are ODLD 2110 and 2130, in addition to one of the following courses: PALS 1450, 1460, 1470, 1480, 1490, 1500, 1510. Students must also meet a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5, submit a written application, and obtain one letter of reference from a faculty member outside of the Outdoor Leadership program, in order to be considered for acceptance into the major. A maximum of 20 students will be admitted for each cohort. 

Special Requirements for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Education Teacher Preparation Programs (Certification in Early Childhood, Middle Grades, or Secondary Broad-field Science, English, History, or Mathematics Education)

The Division of Education policies require all students who intend to seek certification as a professional educator in the state of Georgia, even those who have declared Education as the major, apply for admission to Teacher Preparation Program (TPP).  As a professional program offered at Young Harris College both the TPP and YHC are held accountable to the rigorous standards set forth by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) for preparing educators in the state. Students seeking admission must specific State and Program criteria in addition to those addressed below. 

Those seeking admission to the teacher preparation program(s) must demonstrate that they have earned final grades of C- or better in all coursework completed as a part of the general education core, with the exception of those courses that fulfill the requirement of “Communicate Effectively”. Applicants are required to earn an average of B- or better in all courses that are used to demonstrate meeting the general education requirement to “communicate effectively” (generally courses beginning with ENGL or COMM prefixes). Also, the foundational courses of EDUC 2204, 2220, and 2230 will require students to have earned a final course grade of B- or better for application to Early Childhood, Middle Grades or secondary education program.  Applicants must also have a cumulative average of 2.75 and 45 earned credit hours. Other requirements include a passing score or proof of exemption for the Program Admission Test overseen by ETS, proof of completion of Georgia Educator Ethics - Program Entry (350) module, the three letters of recommendation, and completion of an oral and written interview process that suggests the applicant will succeed in the Teacher Preparation Program.

Applicants who meet all other criteria, but have earned grades of C- to C+ in said course work may petition for consideration for program admission provided they have formulated a remediation plan to address the deficiency that has been submitted to and approved by the Dean of the Division of Education. Petitions will be considered by the Dean in conjunction with at least one other faculty member the applicant’s advisor. The act of petitioning does not ensure that an applicant will be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program. Applicants who have earned grades of D or lower in said coursework are not eligible to petition admission consideration.

The Teacher Preparation Program has an application period every spring and admission occurs each fall. More information can be found at connect.yhc.edu/education /default.aspx.

Financial Aid

(Click here to view the Financial Aid website)

Young Harris College is committed to helping students secure the necessary resources to meet the cost of an excellent education. Financial aid at Young Harris College may take the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and/or work-study positions.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed and filed annually by each student seeking need-based financial aid. Young Harris College then develops an award based upon a combination of factors, including the student’s demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA, high school GPA, and SAT or ACT scores.

The Office of Financial Assistance and Planning may be contacted for information concerning all application procedures. Financial aid commitments will be made after a student has been accepted for admission.

Young Harris College does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, disabled status, or status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era in administering its financial aid programs.

To be eligible for renewal of financial aid awards each year, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in accordance with  federal, state, and institutional policies.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (To Receive Financial Aid)

The U.S. Department of Education mandates that institutions of higher education establish standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving financial aid.  SAP means a student is progressing through an academic program in a timely manner and successfully completing degree requirements.  Young Harris College applies these standards to all students receiving federal, state and institutional financial aid.  SAP will be determined at the end of each semester. 

SAP Components

Qualitative (GPA) Requirement - Students are required to maintain a cumulative SAP grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.  Transfer and Learning Support grades are NOT counted when determining the SAP GPA.  The Office of Financial Aid determines SAP by evaluating the GPA based on the following grades - A, B, C, D, and F.

Pace of Progression (Completion Rate) - Students receiving financial aid must demonstrate measurable progress toward the completion of their degree program. Students are expected to successfully complete a minimum of 67% of their total credit hours attempted.  Transfer credits, including courses taken as a transient student, are included in Pace of Progression calculation.  Grades of A, B, C, and D are considered to be successful completion of a course.  Grades of F, W, and WF are NOT considered to be successful completion of a course.  In addition, hours for repeated courses and hours for which a student received grade forgiveness will be included in the attempted hour’s total.  Completion Rate is determined using the following calculation:


Completion rate = cumulative completed hours / by cumulative attempted hours * by 100 %


Maximum Time Frame - Students must not exceed 150% of the published credit hours required to earn their degree.  For example, a degree which requires 136 hours for completion must not exceed 204 hours (136 x 150% = 204 hours).  Transfer credits, including courses taken as a transient student, are included in the Maximum Time Frame calculation.  Frequent withdrawals from courses, change of major, failed courses, repeated courses or courses taken that are not related to the degree program, could cause a student to exceed the 150% requirement.   


SAP Review Process

The Office of Financial Aid will review SAP at the end of EACH academic semester to determine if students are meeting the minimum standards for EACH of the components (GPA, Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame) listed above.  The following are the statuses to be determined:

Meeting SAP - Students who are determined to be in compliance with all of the SAP components will be Meeting SAP and will be eligible for financial aid.

SAP Warning - Students who are NOT meeting the GPA or Completion Rate components of SAP will be placed on SAP Warning for ONE semester following the review.  A student is eligible for financial aid during SAP Warning.  However, if a student is not meeting SAP standards for Maximum Time Frame, they are immediately placed on SAP Suspension and will no longer be eligible for any financial aid.  Students will be notified of their SAP Warning status and will be required to sign an acknowledgment form before their financial aid will be disbursed for the Warning semester.

SAP Suspension - Students who are NOT meeting the GPA or Completion Rate components of SAP at the end of their SAP Warning semester, will be placed on SAP Suspension and will NOT be eligible for ANY financial aid.  Students placed on SAP Suspension will have the opportunity to submit an SAP Appeal if they have extenuating circumstances. 

SAP Probation - Students who have submitted an SAP Appeal that has been approved, will be placed on SAP Probation for ONE semester and will have their financial aid reinstated.  The student will be required to meet with the Academic Success Center as outlined in their SAP Appeal Approval. 

Academic Plan - Students who have submitted an SAP Appeal that has been approved, but, have been determined to need more than one semester to meet SAP requirements, will be placed on an Academic Plan.  The student will be required to meet with the Academic Success Center and follow the requirements of their Academic Plan.  


SAP Appeal Process

Students who experienced extenuating circumstances that resulted in their not meeting SAP requirements will be allowed to submit an SAP Appeal form to the SAP Appeal Committee.  Extenuating circumstances MUST be due to a situation beyond the student’s control and may include death of an immediate family member, or injury or illness of the student or an immediate family member.  Documentation of the circumstance MUST be submitted with the SAP Appeal.  SAP Appeals must be submitted NO LATER than two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester for which the student is appealing.  Decisions of the SAP Appeal Committee are final. 

If the SAP Appeal is approved and the student is placed on SAP Probation, the student will have ONE semester to meet SAP Requirements.  Students will be eligible for financial aid during their SAP Probation semester.  SAP will be reviewed at the end of the SAP Probation semester, and if the student is NOT meeting the requirements, they will be placed on SAP Suspension for the next semester they enroll. 

If the appeal is approved and the student is placed on an Academic Plan, the student will be required to meet ALL of the requirements set forth in their Academic Plan.  SAP will be reviewed at the end of the Academic Plan semester, and if the student is NOT meeting the requirements, they will be placed on SAP Suspension for the next semester they enroll. 


Avoiding SAP Issues

Withdrawing from classes - Sometimes withdrawing from courses is inevitable, however, students should always speak with a Financial Aid Representative prior to withdrawing from courses to see how it may affect their SAP status.  Also, students should speak with their professor to see if there may be a way to avoid withdrawing from courses.

Course Load - Sometimes students take a heavy course load, or, take too many demanding courses in one semester.  Students should speak with their advisor and/or professors to ensure they are taking the appropriate courses to stay on track academically and to meet the SAP Requirements.

Dedication - Before enrolling in courses, students should determine if they have the willingness and ability to put forth the time and effort needed to be successful.

Academic Success Center - Young Harris College has excellent resources in place through the Academic Success Center such as tutoring, peer mentoring, etc.  These resources are helpful to ensure the student’s success in their courses and help them avoid SAP issues.


Types of Financial Aid

Young Harris College offers different types of financial aid. Scholarships and grants are considered gift aid and do not have to be repaid, however, loans are funds that do need to be repaid.  Student Employment is considered self-help aid and will require a commitment from the student. There are two principal categories of financial aid: merit-based assistance and need-based assistance.

Merit-Based Assistance

Awarded in recognition of special skills, talent, and/or academic ability, merit-based assistance includes academic, fine arts, and athletic scholarships.

Academic Scholarships are awarded to full-time entering freshmen who are academically qualified based upon their high school GPA and SAT or ACT scores. Students are considered for these scholarships upon completion of the Application for Admission and Academic Scholarships and submission of their official high school transcript and test scores. These scholarships are awarded for up to four years as long as the student meets all renewal criteria.

Transfer Scholarships are awarded to students transferring with 30 or more hours of college-level coursework. Amounts are determined based on the student’s college GPA. Students who have completed fewer than 30 hours of college-level coursework will be considered for freshman scholarships.

Fine Arts Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in art, music, theatre or musical theatre and who demonstrate an outstanding ability in their area of study.  Competition may include an on-campus interview, audition, survey of the applicant’s portfolio, and written recommendations.

Athletic Scholarships are awarded in baseball, softball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s tennis and co-ed cheerleading.  The coaches will interview and evaluate athletic skills of applicants. Interested students should contact the appropriate coach for additional information.

Need-Based Assistance

Need-based assistance, including grants, work-study, and loans, is funded from federal, state, and institutional sources. A student’s eligibility to receive need-based assistance is determined by information submitted each year on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Most need-based funds are limited; therefore, you must file the FAFSA in a timely manner. If a student has demonstrated need (the difference between the estimated cost of attendance and the expected family contribution), the Financial Aid Office will offer a financial aid package based on: (1) demonstrated need and (2) academic ability of the student (high school GPA and SAT scores). For renewal of aid, a continuing student must be making satisfactory progress and must have demonstrated need.

Federal Pell Grant: Eligibility for this grant is based on federal methodology. Awards for full time enrollment range from $657 to $6,195 for the 2019-2020 academic year. Award amounts will be reduced for less than full-time enrollment.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): Eligibility for this grant is based on federal methodology and priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients demonstrating the most financial need.

Appleby Grant: This grant was established in 1964 by Mr. Scott B. Appleby for local full-time students who demonstrate need and maintain satisfactory progress.

Young Harris College Grant: This grant is awarded to full-time students who demonstrate financial need and maintain satisfactory progress.

United Methodist Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded on the basis of active interest and participation in The United Methodist Church, character, scholarship, promise of useful service, and financial need. Visit the Methodist web sites for further information concerning scholarship opportunities ( gbhem.org or umhef.org.).

O. Wayne Rollins Scholarship Fund: Each year, the O. Wayne Rollins Foundation provides a number of scholarships for deserving students. The College’s scholarship committee submits recommendations to the Rollins Foundation for final selection of the recipients of these scholarships. These scholarships are renewable if the conditions for renewal are met.

State Funds

Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant: Qualified students who attend a private college, are enrolled full-time, and who are legal residents of Georgia are entitled to receive the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant.

HOPE Scholarship: The HOPE scholarship is available to all eligible full-time and part-time students who are Georgia Residents. Students must graduate from an eligible high school with a 3.00 GPA. Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA in college to continue to receive the HOPE Scholarship. The amount is determined each year by the Georgia Student Finance Commission. 

Zell Miller Scholar Program: The Zell Miller Scholarship is available to all eligible full-time and part-time students who are Georgia Residents. Students must graduate from an eligible high school with a grade point average of at least a 3.7, have a score of at least 1,200 combined critical reading score and math score on a single administration of the SAT or an ACT score of at least 26, and meet the Rigor requirements as set forth by the Georgia Student Finance Commission; OR students must have graduated from an eligible high school as the valedictorian or salutatorian. Students must maintain a 3.3 GPA in college to continue receiving the Zell Miller Scholar Program.

The Georgia Student Finance Commission requires that anyone receiving Georgia state funds (Zell Miller Scholar, HOPE Scholarship, and/or the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant) must file the FAFSA or complete the GSFAPP. If you plan to complete the GSFAPP, please go to www.gafutures.org under News You Can Use click on the State Financial Aid Applications link, then click on GSFAPPS.  The FAFSA or the GSFAPP must be completed prior to the beginning of your first semester.

For further information regarding any of the State Funds, please visit www.gafutures.org.

Other Sources of Assistance

Student Employment opportunities are available for student’s to work on campus.  The Young Harris College’s Student Employment Application must be filed for all positions.  The application is completed online by logging into YHC Connect, under Campus Services - Financial Aid Office. Students must also file the FAFSA to be eligible for need-based Federal Student Employment awards.


Loans are sources of funding that allow students to spread the cost of education over time. Loans must be repaid even if student does not complete their education.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be filed to apply for Federal Stafford Loans.

Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans are low-interest loans offered the federal government. Recipients must demonstrate financial need as determined by information provided on the FAFSA. No interest is paid on this loan as long as the student is continiously enrolled at least half-time. Freshmen may borrow up to $3,500 per academic year; sophomores may borrow up to $4,500 per academic year; upperclassmen may borrow up to $5,500 per academic year. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

Non-Need-Based Loans include the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan for students, the United Methodist Student Loan, and the Federal PLUS Loan for parents.

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan: This is not a need based loan. Recipients must be enrolled at least half-time and must file the FAFSA to be eligible for this loan. The interest on this loan begins to accumulate once the loan funds are received. Further details are available from the Financial Aid Office.

United Methodist Student Loan: This fund, established by The United Methodist Church, offers loans to United Methodist students. The applicant must be enrolled full-time and maintain at least a “C” average. Students may borrow a maximum of $5,000 per academic year. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or by contacting the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Federal Parent PLUS Loan are available to credit-worthy parents of eligible dependent students. PLUS Loans are not based on financial need. Applications may be completed online at www.studentloans.gov. Borrowers must begin repaying principal and interest within 60 days after the final loan disbursement of their annual period of enrollment. Further details may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Grievances

The Georgia Non-Public Post secondary Education Commission is responsible for receiving student complaints regarding federal aid.  Contact information for the Georgia Non-Public Post secondary Education Commission is as follows:

Georgia Non-Public Post secondary Education Commission

2082 East Exchange Place

Suite 2200

Tucker Georgia  30084-5305

Office: 770.414.3300