2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MATH 4381 - Topology

    3 hours
    Prerequisites:   & MATH 2450  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    This course is an introduction to concepts in topology and covers: topological spaces, neighborhoods, closed sets and closure, continuity, homeomorphisms, compactness, connectedness, subspaces and product spaces, metric spaces, and separation axioms.

  • MATH 4461 - Abstract Algebra I

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2450  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    This course is an introduction to the fundamental structures of abstract algebra, including groups, permutations, homomorphisms and factor groups.

  • MATH 4462 - Abstract Algebra II

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 4461  with a grade of “C-” or better.  
    This course is a continuation of MATH 4461. Some topics of this course are rings, integral domains, fields, polynomials over a field, matrices over a field, algebraic numbers and ideals.

  • MATH 4520 - Mathematical Models

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2203  with a grade of “C-” or better.  
    This course explores applications of mathematics to a wide variety of problems inherent in a technological society. Emphasis may vary among physical, biological, and environmental systems of linear programming, queuing theory, Markov processes, and other problems of systems engineering.

  • MATH 4551 - Mathematical Statistics

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2203  with a grade of “C-” or better.  
    Calculus-based course covering probability, random variables and their distributions, mathematical expectation, moment generating functions, sampling distributions.

  • MATH 4650 - Complex Variables

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2203  with a grade of “C-” or better.  
    This course introduces the calculus of a function of a single complex variable. Topics include complex numbers, limits and differentiation of functions of a complex variable, contour integrals, analytic functions, power series, and residues.

  • MATH 4661 - Real Analysis I

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 2203  (may be taken concurrently) and MATH 2450  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    This course is a rigorous treatment of the concepts from one-variable Calculus. Topics include sequences, Cauchy sequences, convergence, upper and lower limits, sequential compactness, continuity, uniform continuity, differentiation.

  • MATH 4662 - Real Analysis II

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 4661  
    A continuation of Real Analysis I. Topics include integration, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, series, uniform convergence, and power series.

  • MATH 4681 - Numerical Analysis

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MATH 3610  and MATH 3460  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    This course introduces numerical methods for solving equations and approximating. Topics include convergence of methods and numerical methods for solving systems of equations, problems in ordinary differential equations, differentiation and integration.

  • MATH 4850 - Study Abroad

    1 hour
  • MATH 4851 - Study Abroad

    1 hour
  • MATH 4980 - Independent Study

    1 hour
    Students enrolled in Independent Study will work in close contact with a sponsoring faculty member to investigate a discipline facet not covered within the College curriculum.  Independent Study Courses are designed in concert with the student and the sponsoring faculty member and are offered to provide increased opportunity for individualized learning in a well-defined area of study.

  • MATH 4981 - Independent Study

    1 hour
    Students enrolled in Independent Study will work in close contact with a sponsoring faculty member to investigate a discipline facet not covered within the College curriculum.  Independent Study Courses are designed in concert with the student and the sponsoring faculty member and are offered to provide increased opportunity for individualized learning in a well-defined area of study.

  • MATH 4991 - Senior Seminar

    1 hour
    Prerequisites: MATH 2450  with a grade of “C-” or better and a Senior Standing.
    This course is designed to introduce students to mathematics that would not be covered in standard course offerings. The intended goal is to help students transition into the next step of their career, in particular graduate school. The instructor will select the topics for the course. It is expected that students will read mathematical papers and engage in some research. Students will make oral/written presentations.

  • MATH 4996 - Special Topics in Math

    1-3 hours
    Courses on selected topics in the discipline.

  • MATH 4997 - Special Topics in Math

    1-3 hours
    Courses on selected topics in the discipline.

  • MATH 4998 - Special Topics in Math

    1-3 hours
    Courses on selected topics in the discipline.


  • MUSI 0099 - Basic Skills for Music Theory

    1 hour
    This course is designed for all students who require additional instruction in basic music theory as determined by the music theory diagnostic exam (All incoming Music, Music Education, and Music Theatre students are required to take the music theory diagnostic exam). This course serves as a supplement to Music Theory I (MUSI 1141). It is a review of topics and skills necessary for successful completion of Music Theory I. Students will meet for this class two hours a week and as deemed necessary by the instructor. This will be a pass/fail course.

  • MUSI 1000 - Introduction to Music Studies

    1 hour
    A course designed to introduce music majors to the procedures, practices, and expected outcomes related to Young Harris College music degree programs and the field of music.

  • MUSI 1100 - Music Appreciation

    3 hours
    A course designed to encourage and assist the student in listening to music for the greatest enjoyment and the highest level of aesthetic development and awareness. In addition to studying the broad historical scope of musical development, the student undertakes an extensive listening program of representative examples of the many types and genres of music.

  • MUSI 1101G - Class Guitar I

    1 hour
    The development of basic performance skills on guitar and similar instruments. Open to all students.

  • MUSI 1101P - Class Piano I

    1 hour
    The development of music literacy through the study of fundamental piano skills: technique, sight-reading, repertoire, theory, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, score-reading and ensemble activities. Open to all students.

  • MUSI 1102G - Class Guitar II

    1 hour
    The development of basic performance skills on guitar and similar instruments.  Open to all students.

  • MUSI 1102P - Class Piano II

    1 hour
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1101P  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    The development of music literacy through the study of fundamental piano skills: technique, sight-reading, repertoire, theory, harmonization, transposition, improvisation, score-reading, and ensemble activities. Open to all students.

  • MUSI 1135-____ - Ensemble

    1 hour

    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances. The
    rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    MUSI 1135BR  

    MUSI 1135C  

    MUSI 1135CB  

    MUSI 1135CC  

    MUSI 1135GTR  

    MUSI 1135JB  

    MUSI 1135PA  

    MUSI 1135PER  

  • MUSI 1135BR - Brass Ensemble

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performancesThe rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performancesMay be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135C - Concert Choir

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performancesThe rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performancesMay be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135CB - Concert Band

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performancesThe rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performancesMay be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135CC - Chamber Choir

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performancesThe rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performancesMay be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135EP - Ensemble Participation

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances. The rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

  • MUSI 1135GTR - Guitar Ensemble

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances. The rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

  • MUSI 1135JB - Jazz Band

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances. The rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135PA - Piano Ensemble

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances.The rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit

  • MUSI 1135PER - Percussion Ensemble

    1 hour
    A class/organization offering qualified students the opportunity to learn choral technique, vocal production, diction, and a variety of choral literature through rehearsals and performances. The rehearsal schedule includes three one-hour sessions per week and additional rehearsals prior to performances. May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

  • MUSI 1140 - Fundamentals of Music

    3 hours
    A study of music theory fundamentals (scales, key signatures, meter signatures, intervals, triads, and rhythmic notation) and aural skills fundamentals (ear-training and sight singing). May be taken by music/musical theatre concentrators as a non-degree-oriented refresher course prior to taking Music Theory I and Aural Skills I. (May not be taken for credit by students who have earned credit for Music Theory I-IV.) Open to all other students for elective credit.

  • MUSI 1141 - Music Theory I

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
    The study of the fundamentals of music theory: scales, key signatures, time signatures, intervals, triads, seventh chords, and rhythmic notation.  The development of logical, critical, and creative thinking through the study of voice leading, SATB writing, and analysis as they pertain to the common practice period.

  • MUSI 1142 - Aural Skills I

    1 hour
    The development of sight-singing and ear-training skills: dictation and reading of rhythms; aural identification and singing of scales, intervals, and triads; dictation and sight-singing of melodies; dictation of four-part (SATB) harmonic passages. The subject matter is correlated with the materials of Music Theory I. (Offered fall semester only)

  • MUSI 1143 - Music Theory II

    3 hours
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1141  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    The study of the principals of diatonic harmony as they pertain to the common practice period.  The study incorporates SATB writing and harmonic analysis as well as small formal structures.

  • MUSI 1144 - Aural Skills II

    1 hour
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1142  with a grade of “C-” or better.
    The development of sight-singing and ear-training skills: dictation and reading of rhythms; aural identification and singing of scales, intervals, and triads; dictation and sight-singing of melodies; dictation of four-part (SATB) harmonic passages. The subject matter is correlated with the materials of Music Theory I. (Offered fall semester only)

  • MUSI 1190 - Performance Attendance

    0 hours
    Attendance of recitals and concerts sponsored or approved by the Music Department. May be repeated for credit up to seven times.

  • MUSI 1501BN - Applied Non-Major Bassoon

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501CEL - Applied Non-Major Cello

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501CL - Applied Non-Major Clarinet

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501DB - Applied Non-Major Double Bass

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501EU - Applied Non-Major Euphonium

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501FH - Applied Non-Major French Horn

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501FL - Applied Non-Major Flute

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501GTR - Applied Non-Major Guitar

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501OB - Applied Non-Major Oboe

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501OR - Appl Non-Major Organ

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501PA - Applied Non-Major Piano

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501PER - Applied Non-Major Percussion

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501SX - Applied Non-Major Saxphone

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501TBN - Applied Non-Major Trombone

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501TRP - Applied Non-Major Trumpet

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501TUB - Applied Non-Major Tuba

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501VCE - Applied Non-Major Voice

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501VIO - Applied Non-Major Violin

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1501VLA - Applied Non-Major Viola

    1 hour
    Designed for non-music majors. A 25-minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice. This course may be repeated up to seven times.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511BN - Applied Secondary Bassoon

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511CEL - Applied Secondary Cello

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511CL - Applied Secondary Clarinet

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511DB - Applied Secondary Double Bass

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511EU - Applied Secondary Euphonium

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511FH - Applied Secondary French Horn

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511FL - Applied Secondary Flute

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrument. A 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511GTR - Applied Secondary Guitar

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrument. A 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511OB - Applied Secondary Oboe

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511OR - Applied Secondary Organ

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrument. A 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511PA - Applied Secondary Piano

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrument. A 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511PER - Applied Secondary Percussion

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511SX - Applied Secondary Saxophone

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511TBN - Applied Secondary Trombone

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511TRP - Applied Secondary Trumpet

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511TUB - Applied Secondary Tuba

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511VCE - Applied Secondary Voice

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511VIO - Applied Secondary Violin

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1511VLA - Applied Secondary Viola

    1 hour
    Designed for music majors taking a secondary applied instrumentA 25 minute weekly lesson and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice May be repeated up to seven times for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521BN - Applied Major Bassoon

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521CEL - Applied Major Cello

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521CL - Applied Major Clarinet

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521DB - Applied Major Double Bass

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521EU - Applied Major Euphonium

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521FH - Applied Major French Horn

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semester. A 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521FL - Applied Major Flute

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semester. A 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521GTR - Applied Major Guitar

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521OB - Applied Major Oboe

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semester. A 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521OR - Applied Major Organ

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521PA - Applied Major Piano

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semester. A 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521PER - Applied Major Percussion

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521SX - Applied Major Saxophone

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521TBN - Applied Major Trombone

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semester. A 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice. The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521TRP - Applied Major Trumpet

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521TUB - Applied Major Tuba

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521VCE - Applied Major Voice

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour
  • MUSI 1521VIO - Applied Major Violin

    Designed for music and musical theatre majors whose degree programs require 1 or 2 credit hours of applied study per semesterA 25-minute weekly lesson for 1 credit hour and a minimum of three hours of required weekly practice or a 50-minute weekly lesson for 2 credit hours and a minimum of six hours of required weekly practice The 2000, 3000, and 4000 level lessons may be repeated once for credit.

    Fees: $210 per credit hour

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